What is Ag is for People?

Ag is for People is a newsletter exploring how technology can work better for the people who enable our agrifood systems to function. It’s critical that agtech be designed with the end-user in mind, because there are a lot of issues facing agriculture, which is, I believe, the most critical global industry.

There’s a ton of great content out there about agrifood technology, and almost all of it focuses on the technical and/or business/financial side of things. There’s also a ton of great content out there about climate and impact investment+technology. This newsletter will touch on all of those things (and will reference lots of my peers’ awesome content,) but it will do so with a more humanist lens.

Fewer than 1% of Americans have any type of professional experience in agricultural production. It’s difficult to design and build good products for a customer and user base that you don’t know well. I’ve spent just enough time on the farm operating/labor end to know that it’s really f***ing hard. I like to think that I knew that it was hard and that I had real empathy for the people producing our food through research and imagination, but, if I’m being honest, I think it’s one of those things that you just can’t know until you experience it. That said, it would be crazy to expect every agtech founder to go work on a farm, and it doesn’t make sense for me to go live on a farm. So I’ll do here what I can - I’ll ask questions, make hypotheses, listen, digest, prove myself wrong, and repeat.

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A newsletter exploring how tech can work better for the people who enable our agrifood systems to function.


I am the founding GP at Farmhand Ventures, where we invest in startups building a better future of work in agriculture. I'm passionate about distributing knowledge & inspiring inclusive, impactful innovation in our global food and ag systems.